Anyone can put two dogs together and can call themselves a breeder but that doesn’t make them reputable or responsible. Buying a dog is an important and long term commitment so you want to choose a breeder that has the best interests of the dog, their breed and you in mind. Reputable breeders usually don't advertise in the local classified newspaper ads, glitzty dog magazines, or on a poster taped to a wall in the Laundromat. Responsible breeders will not take orders for puppies over the internet. Most importantly, they will not sell in litter lots, and they will not sell to pet stores.
What you should look for in a reputable breeder.....
A reputable breeder is one who:
What a reputable breeder will look for in you......
This is a two way street. A reputable breeder is going to screen a potential new home to ensure that the puppy, they have worked so hard to breed and raise, goes to a home that is going to love and care for the puppy as much as they would. They'll make sure that the potential new home is aware of both the positive and negative attributes of their breed. To some, this screening process may seem intrusive, some will have you complete lengthy questionaires. But when you are obtaining a puppy from a reputable breeder you are, in a large degree, becoming part of that breeder's extended family. Much like a godparent, the breeder will contact you from time to time to see how the puppy is doing. And like a godparent, they will look forward to the new family sending them pictures and keeping them appraised of the puppy’s progress. In other words when you obtaining a puppy from a reputable breeder you are as much getting a part of that breeder as you are a puppy. They come as a package deal.
When you consider getting a dog you have the luxury of picking a breed that is right for you. There is much to be considered in choosing the right breed for you and your family. A reputable breeder will be honest with you about the good and bad points of their breed. You need to be equally as honest, both with yourself and the breeder, as to your needs, expectations, and experience, as all of these will factor in the determination of not only what breed is right for you but choosing a puppy from a litter.
So how do you find these kinds of breeders?
They're out there. But it's going to take some work on your part to find them. Remember, they are not looking for the impulse purchase by placing ads in local newspapers, magazines, hanging signs in stores, Internet sites, etc. Be prepared to make phone calls and/or to travel several hours to meet with them more than once. You will more than likely have to travel to the breeder since most reputable breeders won't ship their puppies or dogs.
A dog show is a great way to see the breed you're interested in and it provides you with a means of meeting breeders and exhibitors of said breed. To find a dog show in your area you can go to AKC's website for a list of upcoming shows and competitions.
Most dog people would love to bend your ear telling you about their dogs but the dog show environment sometimes isn't conducive from the breeder’s standpoint for them to spend the time they need to get to know you. Shows can be hectic and nerve-wracking for exhibitors, and it probably would be a good idea not to waylay someone on their way into a ring. Be courteous, and ask the person when it would be convenient to talk with them. Collect business cards and plan on visiting with as many of the breeders as you can at some time after the show is over. Many reputable breeders have web sites. Most of these people use their sites primarily to educate the public and tell you about the breed and their own dogs. Sites where the sale of puppies is the primary focus or where you can order a puppy through a feedback form should send up warning flags to you.
One of the best places to look for a reputable breeder is a national and/or local dog club. Most, if not all, have breeder referral programs. To find a national or local club, you can go to theAKC website and follow it to the breed you’re interested in. The AKC website will provide contact information for breed and local clubs. They will also provide name and phone numbers for breeder contacts if the club doesn't have web site. Most breed clubs have a Code of Ethics that discuss health and temperament issues that they consider to be important in their breed.
Other places to check are your local veterinarians, boarding kennels, dog groomers and dog trainers. Many will keep the phone numbers of their clients that breed. If you do take this route, please make sure to have taken the time to know what you should look for in a reputable breeder as listed above. Not every veterinarian, kennel manager, or trainer knows the difference between a reputable breeder and a backyard breeder or a puppy mill, so you will have to rely on your own good common sense.
All puppies are adorable and it is very easy to be taken in by a fuzzy face and a licking tongue. Puppies are small for only a short time. As a responsible new family, you are committing to living with this dog for an average of 12 to 20 years. Take your time. Do your homework. Make the decision with your head before you give your heart.Once you find a breeder with whom you are comfortable, you may have to wait months or longer for one of their puppies. Consider the time and money spent at this end an investment in your dog's future, because these are the people that are going to be as concerned about the puppy's future as you are.
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